16-20 October 2023 - Belgrade, Serbia

16-20 October 2023 - Belgrade, Serbia

16-20 September 2024 - Antalya, Turkey



The changing and developing world conditions lead to transformations in educational environments as well as in many other fields. This transformation includes many elements from the technological infrastructure of schools to teacher skills.


Teachers and teachers who are the stakeholders of the education system are also important actors of this transformation. Especially after the introduction of the concepts of digital indigenous and digital immigrants, the roles of learners and teachers (digital home or immigration) started to be explained with individual characteristics. To effectively guide learning processes, a teacher must first be well acquainted with the learner and plan teaching in accordance with his / her characteristics. This course is designed to guide the teachers of 21st century the teachers who can communicate with digital natives and know their properties and create creative environments for the 21st century learners at schools.


Learning Outcomes:

All the participants will:

- Define the characteristics of 21st century learners,

- Recognize the 21st century learners’ skills, needs and interests

- Learn how to communicate with digital natives

- Create creative environments

- Define Educational Technology Standards for teachers

- Acquire the skills how to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and experience using global and digital resources

- Create a strong class culture and design model 21st century classes

- Get familiar with designing future class

- Learn the roles of learners and teachers

- Clarify the characteristics of 21st century learners and teachers

- Lead the teachers how to be 21st century teachers

- Guide the teachers how to design their 21st century classes

Objectives of the Course:

- Defining to design future classes

- Getting to know 21st century learners

- Analyzing 21st century learners’ skill

- Understanding effective oral and written communication

- Classifying access and analyze information

- Designing and development of learning environments

- Gaining competence in the design and development of learning environments and assessment activities suitable for the digital age

- Creating a strong class culture


- Providing immediate feedbacks

- Focusing on practical and skill-based learning

- Making plans for academic achievement

- Providing higher participation

- Creating and maintaining high behavioral expectations

- Discussing the model classes

- Brainstorming

- Working in groups cooperatively

- Teaching interactively

Target Group:

- Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.


Before the course,

- A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds, and training will be completed by participants.

- They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.


- A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.

- A Europass Mobility Certificate will be given if the participant demands it, as well.


1st Day

Ice-breaking activities and introduction of the course program

Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)

Key issues and concerns in designing future classes

Characteristics of 21st century learners

- Alternative cognitive characteristics

Change in cultural and social values

- Expectations for teaching and learning

2nd Day

21st century learners’ skills, needs and interests

- Learning and innovation skills

Digital literacy skills

- Seven skills of the 21st century (Wagner, 2008)

Critical thinking and problem solving

- Systems and inter-individual cooperation and leadership

Quick intelligence and adaptation, entrepreneurship and initiative

- Effective oral and written communication

Access and analyze information

- Curiosity and imagination

3rd Day

Educational technology standards for teachers

- Facilitating students' learning and promoting creativity

Design and development of learning environments and assessment activities appropriate for the digital age

Modeling and working in the digital age

- Modeling digital citizenship

Participation in professional development and leadership activities

- Mentioning online teacher training opportunities

49 techniques that can be used for a good education are gathered under seven headings

- High academic expectation

4th day

Making plans for academic achievement

- Create a strong class culture

Creating and maintaining high behavioral expectations

- Character and honesty configuration

Course configuration and presentation

- Ensuring the student's participation in the class

Work in groups and create own 21st century classes (models)

Discuss the model classes

5th day

Define the strengths of the designed models

Overview of the course program

Evaluation of the course program

Filling the feedback forms

Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate