23-27 October 2023 - Istanbul, Turkey
07-11 October 2024 - Budapest, Hungary
This course examines the difficult and wide-ranging issues relating to how we understand our environment, our place in it, how education changes the things around us and how we choose to act.
This comprehensive course provides an overview of these developing key issues, illustrating how through schooling, higher education, professional training and development, and awareness raising, people can bring about change, as well as engaging in debate and critique of issues, how to reach the audience outside the school walls.
Learning Outcomes:
All the participants will:
- Raise the awareness that all the knowledge to be acquire from the course will make a difference in the way the participants will promote their schools in the future; to apply the basic marketing principles to understand their students as “the audience” and adapt all forms of communication in a useful way.
- Learn how to use all the marketing tools to understand and address concrete messages to obtain a positive reaction.
- Be taught in interactive formats and give all the participants the opportunity to discuss the specific realities of each school.
- Discuss the best practices to obtain sustainable development in education
- Obtain 21st century skills to promote sustainable development in lifelong learning process
Objectives of the Course:
- Defining key issues and concerns in understanding the challenges of sustainable development in 21st century
- Describing the principles and objectives of education for sustainable development
- Setting objectives and designing educational programs for sustainable development
- Getting familiar with the role of creative thinking
- Discussing cooperation inside and outside of the school walls
- Classifying 21 century world’ political, economic and demographic situation
- Getting know how to help environmental education
- Using different online platforms and tools
- Learning international and European policies to develop sustainable education
- Analyzing community councils, future laboratory, effective cooperation and communication for sustainable development
- Designing school strategic plans
- Working on the strengths and weakness
- Writing reports
- Promoting the cooperation between the schools and audiences
- Brainstorming
- Creating immediate feedbacks, teaching interactively
Target Group:
- Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.
Before the course,
- A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds, and training will be completed by participants.
- They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.
- A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.
- A Europass Mobility Certificate will be given if the participant demands it, as well.
1st Day
Ice breaking activities and introduction of the course program
Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)
Key issues and concerns in understanding the challenges of sustainable development in 21st century
The principles and objectives of education for sustainable development
Setting objectives and designing educational programs for sustainable development
2nd Day
Cultivating values, critical thinking, and cooperation inside and outside of the school walls for sustainable development in education
Political, economic, and demographic situation in 21st century world
The obstacles and challenges in promoting sustainable development in education and lifelong learning
How to promote the environmental education to handle the current obstacles in natural sources inside and outside the school walls
The innovative techniques and methods to reach the audiences inside and outside the school to promote environmental education
3rd Day
Usage of different online platforms and tools to reach the targeted audiences
International and European Policies to develop sustainable education
Sustainable Schools
Training methods of sustainable development in education
- Community Councils
- Future Laboratory
- Effective Cooperation and Communication for sustainable development
Designing a school strategic plan for sustainable development in education to reach the audiences inside and outside the school walls
4th day
Discussing the school strategic plans designed the previous day
Working on the strengths and weaknesses of the plans and comments on the points to be developed
Methodologies to promote the cooperation between the schools and audiences outside the school to manage sustainable development in education in the 21st century
Case studies of successful cooperation between schools and local, national and international community
Find out the best ways to develop successful cooperation
- Write reports on the possible future studies
5th day
Discussing the reports written on the possible future plans on cooperation of schools and communities for the sake of sustainable development in education
- Ideas for future projects and cooperation
Overview of the course program
Evaluation of the course program
Filling the feedback forms
Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate