24-28 February 2025 - Prague, Czech Republic

24-28 February 2025 - Prague, Czech Republic

31 March -4 April 2025, Budapest, Hungary

31 March -4 April 2025, Budapest, Hungary

19-23 May - Berlin, Germany

19-23 May - Berlin, Germany




Inclusive education was first recalled for students who require disability and / or special education. The aim was to involve these students in normal education processes. This definition has recently expanded and includes all groups that have a disadvantage in society (religious, ethnic, and cultural minorities, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, girls, low-income families, people with disabilities, AIDS patients, etc.,) including an expression has been implicated. In today’s sense, inclusive education encompasses all children who have equal access to social, cultural, educational, vital activities and opportunities, with or without specific needs and / or disabilities, and the right to education with other peers.

Inclusive education is defined by UNESCO as “the process of responding to the different needs of learners by increasing their participation in education, culture and society and by reducing discrimination within the education systems.

This process, in the light of a common vision that includes all the children of the learning age and the belief that educating all children is the responsibility of the states, covers the changes that should be made in terms of content, approach, structure and strategies.

All children are recognized as the basic condition of inclusive education by creating appropriate conditions within the general education system and by taking necessary measures.

Differentiates learners to respond to different and varied learning needs. This understanding assumes that all students can achieve the educational goals set for them if they have the opportunities and opportunities they need.

The inclusive education approach considers the differences between students and the different needs of the students as an opportunity not to be a problem but to enrich teaching.

In this respect, inclusive education defines an innovative movement that naturally meets and supports the differences between learners.

For this reason, the inclusive education movement refers not only to tor learning technical or institutional change, but also to a philosophical change.


Learning Outcomes:

All the participants will:

- Get familiar with the concept of Inclusive Education

- Learn education policies

- Recognize teaching practices and learning environments

- Use different methods to learn for increasing their participation in education

- Compact normal education to special education

- Focus on different teaching methods to improve multiple intelligence

- Accept and understand to student differences so it helps to make students feel welcomed

- Provide all students can be participants in their classrooms

Objectives of the Course:

- Listing dimensions of Inclusive Education

- Getting familiar about school culture and learning environments

- Discussing inclusive classroom management

- Relating gifted and talented students

- Getting know learning styles

- Introducing inclusive schools and its dimensions

- Learning multiple intelligence


- Focusing on practical and skill-based interactive learning

- Providing immediate feedbacks

- Helping students to participate class

- Designing hands-on activities and inspiring discussions on best practices

- Defending self-management skills

- Brainstorming

- Working in groups cooperatively

Target Group:

- Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.


Before the course,

- A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds, and training will be completed by participants.

- They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.


- A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.

- A Europass Mobility Certificate will be given if the participant demands it, as well.


1st Day

Ice-breaking activities and introduction of the course program

Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)

Dimensions of inclusive education

Education policies for inclusive classes

Challenges of inclusive education

2nd Day

School culture and learning environments

Preventing discrimination

Education policies on exceptional students

Understanding the exceptional students, inclusion, and importance concepts in Inclusive Education

The different needs and wants of exceptional students in the classroom

3rd Day

Exceptional students of social and emotional needs

Student learning contract: examples

Exceptional education teachers for organization

SMART goals for students, definition, and some examples

Basis for an inclusive class climate

4th day

What is inclusive classroom management?

Assessing gifted and talented students as well as special need students

Multiple intelligences and learning styles & teaching tips

Techniques and ideas for equal opportunities

Becoming an inclusive school and its dimensions

5th day

The body language

- Group work: physical communication

Overview of the course program

Evaluation of the course program

Filling the feedback forms

Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate