05-09 May 2025 - Rome, Italy

05-09 May 2025 - Rome, Italy

07-11 July 2025 - Istanbul, Türkiye

07-11 July 2025 - Istanbul, Türkiye




This course is a kind of teacher training course which aims to support school staff with an autonomous experience enriched with ICT (Information and Communication Technology) based learning, Project based Learning and interdisciplinary learning in their personal and professional development and school environment in line with priorities of Erasmus Plus Program.

It is a reality that Museums are an important setting for informal learning; their invaluable collections and purposefully designed spaces mean learning can take place almost ‘accidentally’. Structured visits to museums are undeniably effective and impressive for the learners to keep connection between society and culture, past and now, history and science. That is why Learning in Museums is one of the most important topics of the 21st century

As a course provider, with such a course we aim to add an innovative and creative perspective to our participants’ teaching styles. They will discover the historical and cultural values of the city where the course takes place, and also foresight how to artifacts to engage learners and how to create learning experiences for students visiting museums.

Learning Outcomes:

All the participants will:

- Demonstrate an understanding of the way learning takes place in a museum setting

- Explore what can be gained from interacting with museum collections and spaces

- Learn how to use technology to encourage engagement

- Identify a range of learning strategies for a variety of students / learners

- Apply what they have learned to design their own learning scenarios using Project based

learning and interdisciplinary learning

Objectives of the Course:

- Understanding the important points in learning in museums

- Using museums as social and cultural learning environments

- Improving teaching methods in relation to real life complexity

- Adaptation of Project based learning and interdisciplinary learning methodologies to your teaching & learning situations & contexts

- Focusing on effective teaching strategies that encourage the active involvement of all students in real life environments.

- Designing learning scenarios focusing on real life objects, subject matters using innovative and creative methodologies

- Getting familiarized with the tips for how to develop strategies to improve the educational quality of the school.


- Working cooperatively

- Learning in interactive and international environment

- Examining and Simulating case studies,

- Learning based on experiential trainings

- Visiting museums on various themes

- Creating learning scenarios based on Project based learning and interdisciplinary learning

Target Group:

- Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.


Before the course,

- A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds, and training will be completed by participants.

- They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.


- A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.

- A Europass Mobility Certificate will be given if the participant demands it, as well.


1st Day

Ice-breaking activities and introduction of the course program

Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)

Key Issues and Concerns related to Learning in Museums

Key points in Project based Learning and examine the sample lesson plans designed depending on the PBL methodology

Interdisciplinary Learning

2nd Day

How does Learning in Museums foster establishing links across different subjects or disciplines to enhance learning

Which Technologies or educational digital tools are used in museums (QR code, augmented reality tools, etc.)

Providing practical guidance to the use of such ICT tools

Draw a lesson plan to make the museums a real teaching environment for the students

The participants are divided into three groups and each group design a learning scenario on three different contents: history, culture, and science. The following day the groups will visit a museum related to their own learning scenario and collect the materials to enrich their teaching

3rd Day

The groups will visit museums (a guide will accompany them)

Discuss the learning scenarios they have created and develop them (They will work in mixed groups)


4th day


The participants will visit an outdoor museum and will perform a gamified activity while discovering the outdoor museum of the city.

Design their own outdoor learning activity (linking with their own cities and countries)

Using different ICT tools to enrich the activity

5th day

Presentation of the outdoor learning activities and discussing the strengths and weaknesses

Overview of the course program

Evaluation of the course program

Filling the feedback forms

Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate