05-09 May 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

05-09 May 2025 - Lisbon, Portugal

23-27 June 2025  Budapest - Hungary

23-27 June 2025 Budapest - Hungary

11-15 August 2025 Antalya - Türkiye

11-15 August 2025 Antalya - Türkiye

24-28 November 2025 - Antalya - Türkiye

24-28 November 2025 - Antalya - Türkiye




The main goal of the course is to help teachers create positive classrooms to develop mindsets for the 21st century. Positive psychology offers evidence-based hands-on tools for boosting students’ well-being. Throughout the course, participants will get familiar with the fundamental concepts of positive psychology such as character strengths, growth mindset, resilience, flow, and PERMA. They will learn how to use positive psychology tools to improve students’ engagement, accomplishments, grit, and persistence. Participants will receive lessons plans of teaching characters for their own use.

Learning Outcomes:

All the participants will:

- Understand how to apply methods of positive psychology and optimism to the classroom

- Learn about the ways of motivating the students and promoting their success in academic topics and social skills

- Develop lesson plans of teaching characters for their own use

- Define the concept of happy classes

- Learn positive education tools

Objectives of the Course:

- helping teachers create positive classrooms

- developing mindsets for the 21st century.

- developing evidence-based hands-on tools for boosting students’ well-being

- getting familiar with the fundamental concepts of positive psychology such as character strengths, growth mindset, resilience, flow, and PERMA.

- learning how to use positive psychology tools to improve students’ engagement, accomplishments, grit, and persistence.

- developing lessons plans of teaching characters for their own use.


- Creating immediate feedback

- Designing curriculum and learning process

- Discussing to clarify doubts, answer questions and assist participants

- Working in groups cooperatively

- Creating mind maps, brainstorming

Target Group:

- Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.


Before the course,

- A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds, and training will be completed by participants.

- They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.


- A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.

- A Europass Mobility Certificate will be given if the participant demands it, as well.


1st Day

Ice-breaking activities and introduction of the course program

Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)

Concept of Positive Education

Martin Seligman's methods of applying positive psychology and optimism to the


It will increase the motivation of students and teachers and increase the academic success of students.

2nd Day

basic concepts that will increase defining the concept of happy classes from the scientific point of view of Zaragozali SATI team.

Dynamic Implementation and Strategies

- Concept measurement: Scientific surveys

- Practical tools and strategies to implement the method

- Exercises to improve teamwork

- Discussion and feedback

3rd Day

Positive Training Tools

- Managing Awareness and Time (Life Skills)

- How to increase concentration and comfort in students?

- How are students' achievements and strengths used to increase their academic


- How are students directed to the future they want?

- Discussion and feedback

4th day

Positive Educational tools

- Writing Therapy, Inference Ladder, Mandala

Self-reflection and writing as a means of introspection: Conceptual autobiography, thanksgiving exercises, self-help messages...

Inference Ladder: Let students know how the brain works and how it reacts to situations is a helpful tool. It promotes positive thinking and problem solving.

Mandala: A tool that visualizes students' achievement of their goals. Increases self-confidence and life It gives decision making ability which is the last step of their skills.

The operation of the academic double helix (Academic Education and Character Education)

5th day

Positive Education studies in Europe

Overview of the course program

Evaluation of the course program

Filling the feedback forms

Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate