07-11 April 2025 Istanbul - Türkiye

07-11 April 2025 Istanbul - Türkiye

31 March-4 April 2025 Budapest - Hungary

31 March-4 April 2025 Budapest - Hungary

04-08 August 2025

04-08 August 2025




This course is a kind of teacher training course which aims to support school staff with the understanding of the reasons underneath the technology addiction at schools, ways of creating a more peaceful atmosphere to enhance more prosperous learning and teaching process by using technology effectively

There is new concern about recognizing technology addiction behavior and getting aware of related problems and giving an overview on preventing the technology addiction at schools and establishing a more World-wide working path to overcome this problem

The most effective ways to prevent or lessen technology addiction require school administrators’ commitment and intensive effort; police interested in increasing school safety and strategies can use their influence to encourage schools to address the problem.

Since the emergence of the internet and smartphones, research is showing an increase in the number of people struggling with technology addiction. Constantly being “plugged in” to social media and the internet leads to fear of missing out and fear of being left out in young people. Coupled with the neurological changes that take place in the brain while being online, technology addiction can be added to the list of behavioral addictions.

Our modern world is characterized by increasing connectivity and technology use. However, some teens and young adults cross from normal use into a realm in which their technology use is having a negative impact on school, work, family, and social life. Technology addiction includes an addiction to video games, social networking, and surfing the web, among other things.

Technology addiction falls into the category of compulsive behavior that it is difficult or impossible to simply abstain from, like food or sex addictions. Thus, treatment for technology addiction involves educating teens and young adults about what is happening in their brains and bodies, recognizing the consequences of their compulsion, helping them to set limits and interrupt the compulsive cycle, and find alternatives.

Technology addiction is widespread and perhaps the most underreported problem at school in Europe and in the World as a whole. Contrary to popular belief, technology addiction occurs more often at school than on the way to and from there. Once thought of as simply a rite of passage or relatively harmless behavior that helps build young people’s character, technology addiction is now known to have long-lasting harmful effects, for both the victim and school environment.

International research suggests that technology addiction is common at schools and occurs at all grade levels and must be created some strategies and school policies by schoolteachers. Recovery from technology addiction is possible, and we are here to help. with this training course.

Learning Outcomes:

All the participants will:

- Understand terms of technology addiction

- Identify technology addiction behaviors, the victims

- Identify Signs & Symptoms of Technology Addiction

- Learn about the pedagogical approaches to deal with the victims of technology addiction

- Discuss and develop school plan to prevent technology addiction and use technology effectively at schools

- Create Class-friendly technology applications

- Develop an effective school policy to prevent technology addiction at schools and

effective using technology

Objectives of the Course:

- Understanding the terms of technology addiction in schools

- Recognizing technology addiction behavior

- Getting aware of related problems

- Identifying the incidents and consequences of technology addiction

- Getting an awareness related to the chronic victims of technology addiction

- Developing a school policy plan on preventing technology addiction at schools

- Recognizing to how to create Class-friendly technology atmosphere

- Recognizing to use of effective technology at schools

- Introducing pedagogical approaches to deal with the victims of technology addiction


- practical and skills-based -interactive learning,

- immediate feedbacks,

- hands-on activities

- inspiring discussions on best practices.

Target Group:

- Teachers, trainers, educators, school administrators, etc.


Before the course,

- A detailed pre-course questionnaire to indicate their level of experience, teaching backgrounds, and training will be completed by participants.

- They will also prepare a presentation to reflect their own teaching method.


- A course participation certificate will be given to all participants.

- A Europass Mobility Certificate will be given if the participant demands it, as well.


1st Day

Ice-breaking activities and introduction of the course program

Getting to know each other – Presentation of participants (a five-minute presentation)

Understanding the terms of technology addiction in schools

- Recognizing technology addiction behavior

- Getting aware of related problems

Discussing the samples of technology addiction at schools

- Discussing the possible reasons and effects of technology addiction

- Identifying the incidents and consequences of technology addiction

Characteristics of technological addiction, attitudes, and behaviors of victims of technology addiction

2nd Day

Giving an overview on preventing the technology addiction at schools and establishing a more World-wide working path to overcome this problem

Identifying the types of technology addiction

Signs & Symptoms of Technology Addiction

Empowering sense of possible effects and cause of technology addiction

Focusing on the possible social and psychological problems caused by being technology addiction at schools

3rd Day

Getting an awareness related to the chronic victims of technology addiction

Carrying psychological support to the victims even after school

Working on relevant databases and other sources to see the widespread technology addiction problem across the world13:30 – 14:30 How to create cooperation with other educational intuitions prevent addiction of technology such as The Counselling Centre for Children, Adolescents and Parents etc.

Introducing pedagogical approaches to deal with the victims of technology addiction

4th day

Roleplaying pedagogical approaches to deal with the victims of technology addiction

Providing practical guidance to overcome the technology addiction at schools

Creating steps and strategies to effective using of technology to prevent technology addiction of students

Class-friendly technology applications

Develop an effective school policy to prevent technology addiction at schools and

effective using technology

5th day

Present the sample policy

Overview of the course program

Evaluation of the course program

Filling the feedback forms

Europass Mobility Certificate, Participation Certificate